Earn $GHC by staking GHC at our farms.
Regular staking
Regular staking is set up with a class mechanism, different rewards will be received for different classes. For the time being, the shortest time for regular staking is 30 days, and you can still get rewards after exceeding the time limit.
First class: 50% bonus GHC and 3% principal GHC will be deducted for un-staking within 1~7 days.
Second class: 35% bonus GHC and 2% principal GHC will be deducted for un-staking within 7~14 days.
Third class: 10% bonus GHC and 1% principal GHC will be deducted for un-staking within 14-30 days.
2.Locked-up staking:
The time limit for locked-up staking is 60/120 days, the higher the number of days, the higher the APR. No additional rewards when exceeding the selection time.
60 days locked-up staking, APR 15%
120 days locked-up staking, APR 20%
Last updated